Monday 13 August 2012

Little black dress

Dress: Urban behaviour, Shoes: Payless, Bracelet: H&M, Belt: Thrifted

Mike and I went out for dinner to celebrate the fact that I could eat solid food again! We went to a place called Spageddy eddi'es. You have to walk down an alley to get to it and it is very hidden! When you walk inside you feel like you went back in time and also feel like you are in someones casibo or house who has way too many collectibles! It is very neat. They have boots hanging from the ceiling and random license plates and weird nick knacks!It was great and what was even better is the fact that you get so much pasta! I got like a mixing bowl full of fettuccine Alfredo. I could not even get close to finishing it. The price is cheap too so that was another plus. I';m not gonna lie though it wasn't amazing quality pasta but for quantity it was worth the money! I was also very over dressed but I like getting all dressed up and I love the cut-outs on this dress. It was raining outside so we had to take these photos in my bedroom. 

The next day, Mike and I went for a bike ride. We decided on going to the farmers market that is a couple km away from my house. On the way to the market we accidently took a wrong turn and ended up in another small town but not too far from my house. It was however, still an exhausting detour. We eventually made it to the market and although I had my basket, it was hard bringing back the corn and beans we bought! For a break, we bought cheese curds and ate them on the side of the road. What is with cheese curds? I swear they are so amazing and addictive!! I now leave you with some staged bike riding shots and a photo that Mike didn't know I was taking! I hope everyone had a wonderful monday!

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